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Englische Lerngeschichte: Kapitel 5


Blueland - Blauland

Englischer Text:

Chapter 5

The door opened and in came their mother and father. Neither of them could believe their eyes. They just kept listening and staring.

Meanwhile every single item in the room had a different colour than before. Blueboy stopped playing and told his parents what had happened the night before.
“You are going to be famous,” said Bluegirl.

“You’re correct, that’s true,” their father confirmed.
“The news will spread from the north to the south and from the east to the west. Blueboy will be more famous than the king of Blueland. We might earn a lot of money with that magical thing if you are able to repeat the trick. What a good boy you are!” Mum looked at her husband angrily.

“You never stop thinking about business. You always talk about money,” she said.
“Can’t you see the beauty all around?”

“Our son is going to be a hero and he’s going to make his daddy proud!” replied her husband, completely ignoring his wife’s grumbling.

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Hier geht es weiter zu den vertonten Vokabeln und Phrasen aus der Geschichte.

Diese Geschichte auf deutsch erzählt: This story narrated in German

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Das Paket enthält die Geschichte (auf englisch gelesen), die Musik, den Vokabelteil + 32 Seiten Begleitheft als pdf-Datei