Englisch für Kinder und Erwachsene

Englische Lerngeschichte: Kapitel 2


Blueland - Blauland

Englischer Text:

Chapter 2

Behind the blue house in which Blueboy lives, there is the blue ocean. When Blueboy looks out of his window, he can see the clear blue sky and a blue mountain in the distance.

Next to their house there is the fire brigade and in the event of a fire, a blue fire engine will come shooting out of the station.

There are several more houses in the village and a school. Around the market place, in the centre of the village, there are some shops and a church. Half a mile down the main road there are three farms. That's all there is in that little village.

You do not need a map if you are looking for a street because there is only one street: The main road.

Once you've found the village you've also found the street you're looking for. In Blueland there are five villages and also a real town: Bluetown. Though it is only a small town Bluetown is still the main town in Blueland, because there is no capital city - only five villages and Bluetown and that’s it.

It doesn’t take much time to travel through Blueland! Life in Blueland is not very exciting. In the morning all the people get up, the children go to school and the adults go to work. In the afternoon they come back home and at night they sleep.

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Diese Geschichte auf deutsch erzählt: This story narrated in German

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