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Farmer George’s Scarecrow

Englische Gute-Nacht-Geschichte / Lerngeschichte frei nach dem Kinderlied Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

Hier kostenlos anhören: Ein Auszug aus der englischen Gute Nacht-Geschichte / Lerngeschichte Farmer George’s Scarecrow, basierend auf unserer Fassung des englischen Kinderliedes Dingle Dangle Scarecrow. Hier können Sie in alle Geschichten hineinhören (gelesen vom englischen Musiker & Songschreiber Peter Bradbury). Zu jeder Geschichte gibt es den englischen Text mit deutscher Übersetzung und jede Geschichte steht einzeln zum Download bereit (MP3 + PDF englisch/deutsch). Alle 20 Geschichten gibt es auch im günstigen Sammeldownload.

Alle Lerngeschichten (basierend auf englischen Kinderliedern)

Lerngeschichte zu Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

(Geschichte 7 von 20, ausführliches Hörbeispiel)

Englischer Text:

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

Farmer George’s Scarecrow

When all the cows were sleeping
And the sun had gone to bed
Up jumped the scarecrow
And this is what he said:

I’m A dingle-dangle scarecrow
With a flippy floppy hat
I can shake my hands like this
And shake my feet like that

Every year after he had planted his cornfield, Farmer George placed a very fine scarecrow in the middle of the field to keep the birds away. Scarecrow wore a large floppy hat and a fine suit (it used to be farmer George’s and he always looked smart). The scarecrow was so fine that all the creatures in the field really admired him. The field mice and dormice admired him, the ladybirds and damsel flies admired him, the busy bees and grasshoppers admired him, the foxes and badgers admired him and the fairies of the field admired him. Now you may not have heard of the field fairies. They live amongst the creatures, they take special care of them and they have magical powers.

Every night when Farmer George and his farm animals were asleep and when all the good little boys and girls should be asleep the field fairies and other creatures of the field would have a party. They would sing and dance and have a really good time. But poor scarecrow could only stand still and quietly watch, because as everyone knows scarecrows can’t sing and dance. This made scarecrow very sad, he dearly wanted to sing and dance like the others. He felt so sad that all the field fairies felt very, very sorry for him.

So one night before the party started and scarecrow was asleep the field fairies circled him and held hands, they gently spread their wings and flew up around scarecrows head. Round and round his head they flew softly singing:

Scarecrow is our very good friend
He stands so quiet and tall
Let him dingle and dangle
Jingle and Jangle
And dance and sing with us all.

I’m A dingle-dangle scarecrow
With a flippy floppy hat
I can shake my hands like this
And shake my feet like that

Later that night when Farmer George and his farm animals were asleep and all good little boys and girls should be asleep...

I’m A dingle-dangle scarecrow
With a flippy floppy hat
I can shake my hands like this
And shake my feet like that

© 2015, written by Trevor Dobson

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